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Isotopes of Francium
Francium-223 is the most stable isotope with a half-llife of 21.8 minutes, and it is highly unlikely that an isotope of francium with a longer half-llife will ever be discovered or synthesized.
Notable Isotopes show graph
221Fr [134 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 4.8 minutes [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.457 MeV
Decays to 217At.
222Fr [135 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 14.2 minutes [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 2.033 MeV
Decays to 222Ra.
223Fr [136 neutrons]
Abundance: 100%
Half life: 22.00 minutes [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 1.149 MeV
Decays to 221Ra.
Half life: 22.00 minutes [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 5.430 MeV
Decays to 219At.